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    Topics Alert Archive

    This database of Alerts is updated once a month. If you would like to receive the Alerts in the form of emails as they are issued, please go to our Alert Subscription page.

    NOTICE: This database contains the text of messages originally sent as emails to subscribers of Topics Alert, a free service of CLL Topics Inc. If you are not a subscriber and you wish to receive these email Alerts, please register at the Topics Alert subscription page. The content of this database is intended for information only and it is NOT meant to be medical advice. Please be sure to consult and follow the advice of your doctors on all medical matters.

    To read one of the Alerts listed below, please enter the Alert number in the box below and click "Display". Please restrict your entry to a number between 1 and 24.

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    Listing of Alerts


    1 2004-03-18 What You Need to Know - Modern "Best Practices"

    2 2004-03-19 Deletion of 6q21 and Prognostic Risk

    3 2004-03-20 Two popular Anemia Drugs Under FDA Scrutiny: Concerns about Tumor Growth

    4 2004-03-21 ZAP-70 Testing: Where to Go, How Much It Costs

    5 2004-03-22 Sinus and Pulmonary Problems in CLL

    6 2004-03-24 Fludarabine as Front-line Therapy

    7 2004-03-26 CLL Greatly Increases Your Risk of Skin Cancer

    8 2004-03-28 Stem Cell Transplants in CLL Patients: Dana Farber Statistics

    9 2004-03-31 Comparing Clinical Trials

    10 2004-04-08 Is Rituxan More Dangerous Than Fludarabine?

    11 2004-04-13 Combination of Rituxan plus Campath in Relapsed CLL Patients

    12 2004-04-13 LMB-2 in Phase - II Trial Sponsored by NCI

    13 2004-03-15 Results of Phase -2 Ontak in Relapsed CLL Patients

    14 2004-04-18 Hitting a Home Run with Campath Consolidation?

    15 2004-04-20 Familial CLL

    16 2004-04-30 Bone Loss after Stem Cell Transplants

    17 2004-05-04 Harvey's Chocolates

    18 2004-05-06 More on "Harvey's Chocolates"



    21 2004-05-12 Corticosteroid Therapy and Increased Risk of Skin Cancer


